Monday, July 23, 2007

And I'm Off

Well here goes nothing it's my first entry into the blogging world. The first thing I should tell you is that I have never won a spelling bee (never even made it past the first round). As a matter of fact
I often spell words like they sound (go figure) just because I can. Sometimes I am a little lisdexic and my grammar needs help and.........oh yeah I never did get no really good grades in English.
now that thats out of the way no one needs to comment on my poor writing. and as long as you don't mind stumbling through my stories WELCOME and ENJOY.


Rebecca Jo said...

Misspell, screw up grammer, turn words around - that's what makes you easy to be around - being who you are! I'm anxious to read your stories! (Love that Kim has joined the blog world too!!)

Chad Doerr said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!

Courtney said...

That's why you have me...Your built in spell/grammar check!