Thursday, July 26, 2007

Blog Name

Well thanks for reading my simple minded thoughts this is a pretty cool hobby it forces me to use my brain and yet relaxes me at the same time. Well I thought Id'e explaine the naming of my blog page you see as a child I always wanted a treehouse and although I had a little club house down by the creek and have a lot of great memories of camping out down there a treehouse was what i dreamed of I love to climb trees as far up as i could go and just sit there and feel the tree sway in the breese so anyway when spencer asked me one day if I would build him a treehouse I started thinking and looking at them online and getting plans and ideas for a cool treehouse for "him and hannah" thoes of you who know me you already know i am a collector/dumpster diver/recycler of one mans trash into this mans treasure. so i had enough stuff sitting around here to get started but I know nothing when it comes to carpentry but my dad was on vacation so i winged it and got started(after a few phonecalls to him for pointers)

Before long I was well on my way to what some call my second home. when dad got home he came to help and he couldent believe .....well he couldent believe a lot of things like why are their no square corners?,where are the leg supports?,why is this thing swayin when we walk?, and why is this thing sooo BIG!?

(it's 10x10 w/a 2x10 deck across the front)

everyone played an intricate part in the building process....

everybody did something....

any way long story short I was building a treehouse for Me....

AND the kids and I sleep in it just as much as they do!

we have lots of fun here in the summer we make the slide a water slide.

this is the outside>

this is the inside> inside >

and this is the
Fun side slide!! >

so there's a little insight into the blog name
I guess the tree house kinda helps define me
big on imagination, pumped with creativity, a little
a little lop sided but a whole lot of fun !

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

1st Solo THRIVE

Well I did it with the help of God I made it through my first solo lesson at THRIVE. It was exciting and nerve racking at the same time but most of all it was a blessing! It was a great format for getting my feet wet in the preaching "arena". I had a lot of fun doing it. One of the best parts is that my neighbors from my childhood home in Palmyra were there. Why is that a big deal? you might ask, well lemme tell ya growing up I was THAT kid you know the one who was always a hand full!! and everyone had "trouble getting" to pay attention and get out from under the table. For them to see me in this role just reaffirms their belief in miracles!!
You can read the full article about thrive here

Monday, July 23, 2007

And I'm Off

Well here goes nothing it's my first entry into the blogging world. The first thing I should tell you is that I have never won a spelling bee (never even made it past the first round). As a matter of fact
I often spell words like they sound (go figure) just because I can. Sometimes I am a little lisdexic and my grammar needs help and.........oh yeah I never did get no really good grades in English.
now that thats out of the way no one needs to comment on my poor writing. and as long as you don't mind stumbling through my stories WELCOME and ENJOY.